What Should We Do

Ilham Faisabrun Zjamil-

The world demands human to continue developing in healthy, education, technology, economic, politic, etc. Human's intelligence made it to be superior more than animal The different between human and animal is sense and psyche. Animal have desired because they are just do based on environment. If animal doing something more than other animals, that is also based on desired like a chimpanzee. Humans have something to be superior in another creature, it also makes human can be the most perfect creature.

Although human can be the most perfect creature, that isn’t human being an always correct. Humans have an intelligence for make thing can be past problem and can solve it, and problem can be human developing since advance until now. Sense human is very amazing because sense is  gift from God. Out of reason human can exploring ability including discussing God the creator, but nowadays human like walk into the darkness if they don’t back to God or religion soon. The Religion is very important for human, because without religion human just can do some of activity based on desire. Desire naturally owned by human and animal but human any sense which one make human to be superior. It is true human have a sense but isn’t enough to be of perfect creature, there’s something make it to be of perfect creature, is a psyche.

Psyche actually can’t felt by senses but it can be felt by human’s heart, through the soul human can be create something of amazing. Sense and psyche we’re can find from knowledge and religion, knowledge giving us light and power, create of equipment, take to the revolution of outwardly, whereas religion giving us love and hope, direct effort human, take to the revolution of inner, fully human  (Muthahhari, Manusia dan alam semesta: konsepsi islam tentang jagat raya, 2002). It can be said that, between sense and psyche human can be khalifah fil ard.

Mostly human just focus in senses not to psyche, because human like create something on his own mind. Actually, sense making human to the path knowledge but not to the truth. Human necessary comparing between sense and psyche or in other word, between knowledge and religion must be balance. Knowledge and religion do have advantage a different but they are giving some of goal, it will be human of perfect creature. The God making human actually to be khalifah fil ard, or in other word is carry out to managing this world.

Imam Al-Ghazali said psyche is knowing of God, psyche is work, psyche is following of God, and actually human’s limbs are followed the psyche. Psyche imagine human to do, it will be imagine psyche of human is clean or dirty and psyche knowing what human needed, it can be core of human in Islam (Al-Ghazali, 1992). Therefore, human must be aware about task which are given from God to human, religion to be answer all of the question about human’s life, human’s problem or anything else. But, mostly human is not aware about his religion or task which are given from God. Human a lot adore his sense because it makes human an amazing achievement, but human forgot any else is something is same important or more than be better to sense, that is a psyche.

Human must be balancing between sense and psyche, because that thing twice makes human to be perfect creature more than creature else. Task from God can’t be finished if human just using sense for solving the problem or making changes for his life or universe. Impossible human still stand up without the God, too arrogant if human said can do it. His life making from God and will be back to God again.



Al-Ghazali, I. (1992). Ihya' Ulumuddin Jilid 3 (Vol. 2). (I. Yakub, Ed.) Singapura: Pustaka Nasional PTE LTD.

Muthahhari, M. (2002). Manusia dan alam semesta: konsepsi islam tentang jagat raya. (M. S., Ed.) Jakarta: Lentera Basritama.


What Should We Do What Should We Do Reviewed by Admin Nomizo.co on Friday, May 26, 2023 Rating: 5

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